
Prepare for a wedding in just 2 months - what to do?

A wedding ceremony is similar to a premium chocolate box that needs meticulous preparation for each stage. Once you have a detailed plan, despite the limited time, the quality of this dessert will still be guaranteed. If you two are in an urge to settle down due to driving forces such as unexpected pregnancy, Feng Shui reasons or a family member getting ill, etc. then let’s write a detailed to-do list from Getweady's tips to "launch" a perfect wedding in just 2 months.

Many couples have rushed to hold their weddings with the blessing of relatives and friends after the end of quarantine - Pinterest
Many couples have rushed to hold their weddings with the blessing of relatives and friends after the end of quarantine


You should start contacting wedding services.

Choosing restaurants and menus

It's a time-saving idea to list out the restaurants you've tried before. In doing so, you will find it easy to choose a good menu without many concerns about the food quality.

You can find great recommendations from familiar restaurants  - Pinterest
You can find great recommendations from familiar restaurants

On these days, many restaurants offer personalized packages of party decoration services and wedding programs. You can request them to recommend your wedding decoration theme so it would be more simple for you to pick flowers and bridal dresses.

Wedding budget and invitation list

Running short of time can make you accidentally exceed your spending limit. To control your wedding funds, you should determine specific expenses for each stage of preparation.

Find a wedding card shop committing to correct, fast printing and home delivery

To find out about a merchant's reputation and printing quality, you should observe the samples displayed at the store. One important thing to do is to communicate thoroughly with the staff about their return and exchange policy when your wedding cards are printed with mistakes. After that, you can ask the card shop to deliver the invitations to your home. This will save you quite a bit of time to complete other preparations.

Find the ideal wedding bands, bridal dresses and groom suits

It would be great if you two could agree on the look of your wedding bands before heading to the jewelry store. This not only builds up the connection between you and your partner but also saves you a lot of time. Simply start with questions about your wedding rings surrounding materials, diamonds or gemstones, and styles.

 Discussing with your partner about your wedding ring, groom vest, and bridal dress saves you a great amount of time.   - Pinterest
Discussing with your partner about your wedding ring, groom vest, and bridal dress saves you a great amount of time.

You and your partner should also talk about affordable wedding dresses and grrom suits as well as their comfortable style and material. Check out tips on choosing wedding dresses and wedding suits here.


It's time to take care of your health and appearance.

Find a studio package that includes bridal dresses, flowers and makeup

The best way to save you time visiting one merchant to another is to choose a wedding photography studio that can provide both flowers and wedding attire for you. You will be surprised to find out that many studios have bridal dresses for rent.
You can refer to the list of beautiful wedding photography studios on the Bride social media community or our articles.

Now many studios have flowers, makeup services, bridal dresses and even groom suits for rent after completing their pre-wedding albums - Pinterest
Now many studios have flowers, makeup services, bridal dresses and even groom suits for rent after completing their pre-wedding albums
Marriage certificate

You should apply for marriage certificate a week before the wedding. If time is running out, you should consider legally officialize your marriage after your ceremony takes place.

Choosing outfits for your parents

If your parents' aodai needs time for tailoring, make sure to discuss thoroughly about the earliest convenience with the merchant to pick it up.

Self-care is important

It does not matter if whether you two take care of your facial skin at home or at a professional spa. Just remind yourself of following a full skincare routine. Moreover, you should choose a familiar hairstyle for your wedding appearance because we have no time to get it fixed. The most important thing is to keep yourselves relaxed and alert with light exercise such as yoga, jogging and enough daily hydration.

Try on the your dress one more time and practice wedding rehearsal

You should spend the last week trying on your wedding dresses to request adjustments if necessary. Maybe when you put them on again, you will see some unsatisfactory details or some spots that need to be loosened and tightened for your comfort and confidence. Last but not least, you should practice wedding rehearsal with the groom so it will not be struggling for you two to find right standing positions on the stage in front of the guests.

You should take some time to check and adjust your bridal dresses a week before the wedding. - Pinterest
You should take some time to check and adjust your bridal dresses a week before the wedding.

If you are too busy to plan every step, consider hiring a wedding planner to have time taking care of yourself until the big day. It would be even better if a reliable family member or close friend is willing to help you prepare your wedding.

Wedding is only once in a lifetime and everyone wants to make it perfect no matter how much time they have. When you got a specific plan, make sure everything is under your control. Getweady hope your wedding would run smoothly with great happiness.

With a specific plan, you will still have a satisfactory wedding even if your time is short. - Pinterest
With a specific plan, you will still have a satisfactory wedding even if your time is short.
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